Dark Angel

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  • 1 tbsp plus 2 tsp (25 ml) Espresso
  • 1 tbsp plus 1 tsp (20 ml) amaretto liqueur
  • 2 tsp (10 ml) dark rum
  • Approx. 3 tbsp (40 ml) fresh heavy cream
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 coffee beans
  • Ice cubes

The slightly rebellious nature of rum and the sweet character of amaretto liqueur, together at last, accompanied by an Espresso and a cloud of shaken cream. The Dark angel looks for balance in these strong, dissimilar characters, and finds a harmony of tastes and aromas that brings honor to them all. 

  1. Prepare the Espresso in a small cup. 
  2. Put the ice cubes in the mixing glass, filling it 3/4 full. Add the amaretto liqueur, the dark rum and, last of all, the Espresso. Mix with the mixing spoon.
  3. Filter with the strainer and pour it into the glass.
  4. In the mini shaker, shake the cream, which should be very cold, until it becomes quite thick.
  5. Gently rest the cream on the cocktail, making it run down the back of the mixing spoon.
  6. Garnish with two coffee beans and dust with cocoa powder before serving.