
Brazilian coffee, with exuberant notes of chocolate and toast, is the foundation for blends optimized for espresso preparation. Brazil is the world’s largest producer of Arabica, responsible for more than one-third of its total production: five billion plants, 35-45 million bags of green coffee per year, five million people employed, 300,000 producers.

Central America

El Salvador, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama and Honduras: all home to Arabica marked by sweet, and pleasantly mild, acidic notes.


Limited production of excellent, very sweet coffee. Its acidity and intense aroma of chocolate make it an ideal complement to any blend, especially those designed for brewed coffee.


With its sweet coffee – produced to the tune of nearly 12 million bags per year – Columbia produces 10% of the world’s Arabica.


Offers a full-bodied coffee, with the right touch of bitterness and a delightfully spicy aroma.


Coffee’s ancestral home, offering the world’s best washed Arabica, alive with notes of jasmine and citrus.


Produces a relatively small volume of good, aromatic coffee thanks to the country’s mild climate.

500 A.D.

Legend has it that Kaldi, an Ethiopian shepherd, discovers the invigorating virtues of coffee cherries—the red outer shell containing green coffee beans — trying them roasted and ground.

1500 A.D.

Coffee arrives in Damascus, Cairo and Istanbul.

1591 A.D.

Prospero Alpini, a doctor from Padua, describes coffee in De Medicina Aegyptiorum, an account of Egyptian medical practices.

1645 A.D.

Venice’s first coffee shop opens.

1700 A.D.

Coffee spreads throughout Europe, and coffee plants are exported to its colonies.

1737 A.D.

Linnaeus classifies the plant under the genus Coffea.